Why I’m eating more mushrooms: A very brief guide to adaptogens

Marc Smith
3 min readNov 29, 2023

I’m searching for ways to make my later years better. Turning 50 scared the hell out of me, especially as I’d put on some unwanted weight and felt my mind becoming sluggish. I’ve never been super fit, but I’ve tried to eat well and keep my brain active.

Now at 55, I’m feeling healthier than I have since I was a teenager. I run, strength train a few hours a week, watch what I eat and keep my mind active by learning new languages and trying to play musical instruments (emphasis on trying).

But my mental well-being still lets me down. I’ve always struggled with anxiety and depression. I have few close friends and I don’t cope too well with change. Sometimes I feel like I’ve lived my entire life in a state of fight or flight.

I need to sort out my mental well-being.

I’m not against medication (I’ve taken anxiety and depression meds on and off for over twenty years), but I much prefer to find natural alternatives. Exercise and a healthy diet can go so far, but sometimes we all need some extra help.

This is where adaptogens come in.

What are adaptogens?

At their core, adaptogens are a class of herbs and mushrooms known for their ability to help the body adapt to stressors…



Marc Smith

Chartered Psychologist, author, learning scientist, lover of literature and libraries; accidental poet. https://linktr.ee/marc1857