Three Habits for a Healthier Brain

Marc Smith
4 min readApr 28, 2024
Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

I have one major goal — to live a long and healthy life.

I’m lucky, in that I’ve never been one for excesses. That doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes drink too much or eat unhealthy food. Indeed, I consider these occasional experiences to be all part and parcel of enjoying life (even if the aftermath might to be all that enjoyable).

But living a long and healthy life isn’t as easy as it might seem. With people living longer than ever before, the world is witnessing a rise in conditions and ailments that didn’t impact people to any great extent in previous years.

In many countries, including the UK and US, the population is getting older, placing and ever greater strain on public services.

One of the biggest killers here in the UK is dementia — a consequence, in part, of a longer lifespan. Protecting our brains, therefore, is just as important as looking after our bodies.

Cognitive decline is an unfortunate result of growing older. But serious and profound decline is far from inevitable.

What is good for the body is also good for the brain, so here are three simple ways we can help our brains stay younger for longer and reduce the rick of dementia later in life.

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Marc Smith

Chartered Psychologist, author, learning scientist, lover of literature and libraries; accidental poet.