The One Thing You’re Getting Wrong About Medium

Marc Smith
3 min readJun 19, 2024
Photo by Kristijan Arsov on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for almost a decade (on and off). When I started, it wasn’t a platform to make money because, well, you couldn’t — it simply wasn’t set up that way.

My motivation was different. I began blogging in 2000, first on and then through my personal domain using Greymatter (comment if you remember that).

I wrote because I felt I had something to say, even if nobody cared.

And that’s what early blogging was like.

It’s different now — not better or worse, just different. Some things have changed, while many have stayed the same.

My motivation for writing on Medium is pretty much the same as it was twenty years ago — I’m a writer. I write. It’s nice that I make money from it from time to time, but that’s not my primary motivation (the money I make through Medium doesn’t even cover my membership fee).

Some people use Medium to make money, and that’s fine. But even those who treat Medium as a nice little side-hustle, probably don’t fully understand how all this works.

So what is the one thing you’re probably getting wrong about Medium?

No matter how successful you are on Medium, you’ve probably overlooked a few…



Marc Smith

Chartered Psychologist, author, learning scientist, lover of literature and libraries; accidental poet.