The Everyday ‘Superfood’ You’ve Probably Neglected

Marc Smith
3 min readApr 30, 2024
Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

I care little for the term ’superfood.’ It gives the impression that all we need to do is munch on Goji berries all day and our health will magically improve.

Consuming a healthy diet is about variation, of obtaining the essential nutrients we need to live well.

We know so much more about nutrition that we did 50 years ago (even 10 years ago), and what we once thought of as detrimental to our health has since proved to be beneficial.

We now know that there are good and bad fats, for example. And we know that certain lifestyle choices can shorten our lives and open us up to all sorts of nasty illnesses.

My Dad would start each day with a coffee and cigarette. He was a man prone to excesses who died young. And while the cigarette was harming his health, the coffee wasn’t.

Coffee gets a lot of bad press, even though attitudes are changing. Too much of the world’s favourite caffeinated beverage can impact concentration, sleep and mood.

But in moderation, coffee is a true superfood.

High in antioxidants

Coffee is rich in antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and are found in many foods (such as green…



Marc Smith

Chartered Psychologist, author, learning scientist, lover of literature and libraries; accidental poet.