The best tip for achieving your goals

Marc Smith
4 min readJun 18, 2024
Photo: Marc Smith

Setting goals for ourselves is easy. Achieving them is hard.

There are many reasons goals fail, the main one being the difference between our intention (what we want to achieve) and implementation (how we go about achieving them).

Another reason is because we often set ourselves unmanageable goals — the goal is just too big, so big that we don’t even know how to begin to tackle it.

Thinking Big is Good, but…

Having big aspirations is a good thing, but big aspirations also make it hard to know where to start. This is why I always advise people to break their big goals into small sub-goals.

A good friend of my mine wanted to get fit. He aspired to run a half marathon and raise money for a charity close to his heart.

The thing was, my friend had never run 5K, let alone 21!

One morning, he woke early, grabbed his running shoes and set off running. Within ten minutes, he had to stop, his lungs burning and legs aching while he struggled desperately to catch his breath. After returning home defeated, he phoned me up and asked how I managed to run such long distances when he was so much younger than me.

My answer was simple. I began running in my 50s, having never done so before. I began slow…



Marc Smith

Chartered Psychologist, author, learning scientist, lover of literature and libraries; accidental poet.